We've collected some tips from drivingcamp experts to help you and your loved ones stay safe as the holidays approach!

What's more, we'll tell you how to be an everyday hero!

What should you do if you hear sirens?

Ambulance also need your support to provide timely assistance. "We have been repeatedly approached by ambulance drivers who have said the same thing over and over: One of the biggest help is that drivers always use the index when they are safely on their way, so they can ensure us they won't get ahead." - says László Csörgő our head trainer.

In Hungary, the so-called ambulance corridor has been introduced on the expressways for a few years, which causes drivers to react more and more quickly when someone arrives with a distinctive sign behind them. In this case, always move to the far side of the two lanes, giving way to the middle. The use of a stop line on a motorway is forbidden in this case too!

How can you become an everyday hero?

In the case of adverse weather and visibility, be even more conscious with the safety distance. Always keep to the right so that you can pull off the vehicles with the distinctive sign at any time. This is important not only on the highway, but also in the city, as it can avoid congestion and reduce stress as you arrive at your destination sooner.

You can save a few lives with just a few small steps! Look in the mirror as often as the woman or man of your dreams sits in the back, so you may notice as the ambulance approaches. And of course we know summer is missing, but don't let the caribbean hit you in the car to hear the siren!

Keep right so you can pull off the distinguished vehicles at any time. Help the Peter Cerny Foundation and every ambulance get to their destination in less time!

“Winter awareness is especially important during the winter. This year, we are supporting the team of the Hungarian Child Rescue Foundation and the Peter Cerny Foundation with a driving technique training to make sure they and their little patients are safely on their way! Our goal was to help those who tirelessly save lives and help others, ”said Reinhard Platzer, CEO of drivingcamp Hungary.

Meet the real heroes on the drivingcamp on December 17th! Premature rescuers will bring their coolest stories on the road and talk about how everyday's drivers can make it easier for them to reach their destination safely and quickly!

Become a conscious driver, pay attention!